November 22, 2022

A School-led behavioral health initiative is showing results for graduates and the communities they serve

From Seattle to Walla Walla, Ellensburg to Spokane, a new statewide UW School of Social Work-led initiative focused on workforce development in behavioral health is making a measurable impact on students—and on the profession. 

November 17, 2022

Angelique Day, School associate professor, co-leads Washington, D. C., briefing on Supreme Court case examining Indian Child Welfare Act

On Nov. 9, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that challenges the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act, passed in 1978 to ensure that Native American children retain a deep connection to their Indigenous roots.

November 16, 2022

Indigenous Wellness Research Institute receives $475,000 grant to evaluate child welfare project serving Cherokee Community

Kinship caregivers are a primary resource for vulnerable children, helping them feel safe while maintaining connections to their culture and community. But these caregivers face many challenges: accessing critical resources, seeking ways to work effectively with birth parents, coping with the financial strain of additional household members, and learning how to meet the complex emotional needs of children who have undergone trauma.

November 16, 2022

School of Social Work leads team on wage analysis study focused on human services workers

Salaries for human services workers — those who help older individuals, provide assistance to people living with disabilities or work with community food services, for example — often lag behind other sectors, despite the high skill-level required, demanding nature of the work, and critical value to the community.

November 8, 2022

School researcher Jane Lee receives Population Health grant

School of Social Work assistant professor Jane Lee is part of a multidisciplinary research team that recently received a grant from the UW Population Health Initiative to explore methamphetamine use among cisgender men and transgender people who have sex with men.